The commands

given during the Sailing Manoevers on Russian ships

Commands from the bridge for the sailing alarm:

     1. "Парусный аврал" – 3 times
         "Все наверх на постановку парусов"

     2.  "Парусный аврал" – 3 times
          "Все наверх на уборку парусов"

     3. "Парусный аврал" – 3 times
         "Все наверх к  повороту "оверштаг"
         "Все наверх к  повороту "через фордевинд"

     4. "Парусный аврал" – 3 times
         "Все наверх, ложиться в дрейф"

The crew appears on deck at the meeting points of their watches. When they are complete the watch leader reports to the bridge:

          "Фок в сборе"
          "Грот в сборе"
          "Бизань в сборе"

The bridge gives the command what exactly will be done (Here the setting of all or some sails):

          "Марсовым к левым (правым) вантам, готовить к постановке все паруса
           (или такие-то паруса)"
     The watch leader instructs his watch and reports to the bridge:
          "Марсовые фока (грота, бизани) к подьему готовы"

The bridge gives the command to go aloft:
          "Марсовые пошел наверх, готовить все паруса" или
          "Марсовые пошел наверх, готовить к постановке такие-то паруса"
     The cadets go aloft and unfurl the sails. Then they return to the deck.
     When all cadets of one watch have returned the watch leader reports to the bridge:
"Марсовые фока (грота, бизани) на палубе"

Now the bridge commands the crew to man the lines to set sails:
"На постановку таких-то парусов по местам стоять"
     The watch leader reports to the bridge when all lines are manned:
"Фок (грот, бизань) готов"

Now the bridge commandsa which sails when to set:
"Такие-то паруса ставить"
     The watch leader gives the necessary commands for this to his watch. 


II. Taking away of sails  

The bridge gives the command to take away all or some sails:
"На уборку таких-то парусов стоять"
     The watch leader commends the watch to man the necessary lines. When everybody has found his position he reports to the bridge:
"Фок (гротб бизань) готов"

The bridge now gives the concrete command which sail when to take away:
"Такие-то паруса убрать"
    The watch leader coordinates the work of his watch for this.

Now the bridge commands the cadets to prepare to go aloft:
"Марсовым к правым (левым) вантам"
     The watch leader now decides who goes on which yard and instructs the cadets what to do there.
     When the cadets are ready to go he reports to the bridge:
"Марсовые фока (грота, бизани) готовы"

The bridge now gives the command to go aloft:
"Марсовые пошел наверх, укатать паруса по-парадному (по-штормовому)"
    The watch leader tells the cadets to go now!


III. Bracing the yards 

The bridge gives the command to man the starboard or portside yards:
"На правые (левые) брасы фоковых, гротовых, левые (правые) контр-брасы бизани"
     When everybody of his watch has found his position the watch leader reports ti the bridge:
"Фок (грот, бизань) готов"

The bridge now gives the command to brace the yards and into which postion to brace them:
"Пошел правые (левые) брасы фоковые, гротовые, левые (правые) контр-брасы бизани
Все реи бейдевинд (галфвинд, бакштаг, фордевинд) такого-то галса"

    The watch leader coordinates the action of his watch.
     When he has decided that the yards are in the right position he reprots to the bridge:
          "Фок (грот, бизань) брасопку закончили"

     Now the fore and aft sails get put in position.
     The watch leader gives the necessary commands to his watch:
"Перенести шкоты косых на такой-то галс"

When the bridge sees that all sails are in the right position the give the command to clear up the lines::
"Снасти разоьрать, уложить. Отбой аврала!"