The announcements

standard phrases which you might hear over the public announcement system on MIR


On MIR and on most other Russian ships the crew, trainees and eventually visitors are informed about important things via loudspeaker. These announcements are normally held in Russian and English language. As sometimes - e.g. due to noise, wind or other things - the transmission or the messages happens to be not very clear and maybe confusing for people who hear them for the first time here a short list of the main phrases that you might hear while on board.


1. Доброе утро. Комманде подъем. Сегодня ... июля, день недели. Погода: ... (ветер: сила, направление; волнение; облачность, давление в мм рт. ст.

Good Morning! The crew are requested to get up. Today is the (date, day of week), Weather: outdoor temperature is:... degrees; wind: direction (e.g. Wind: easterly, southerly, etc.); speed ...meters per second; sea: ... (e.g. sea state 3); ist is cloudy (or dull, or fine); pressure: ... mm of mercury column.


2. Судовое время 7:30. Экипаж приглашается на завтрак. Приятного аппетита.

Ship's time is 7:30. The crew are invited for breakfast. Bon appetit!


3. Судовое время 11:30. Экипаж приглашается на обед. Приятного аппетита.

Ship's time is 11:30. The crew are invited for lunch. Bon appetit!


4. Судовое время 15:30. Экипаж приглашается на вечерный чай. Приятного аппетита.

Ship's time is 15:30. The crew are invited for afternoon tea. Bon appetit!


5. Судовое время 19:30. Экипаж приглашается на ужин. Приятного аппетита.

Ship's time is 19:30. The crew are invited for supper. Bon appetit!


6. Внимание! По судну объявляется морской распорядок дпя.

Attention, please! The daily routine on board while at sea is announced.


7. Внимание! По судну объявляется береговой распорядок дпя.

Attention, please! The daily routine on board while on ashore is announced.


8. Внимание! Приход судна в порт ... в ... (время, дата, месяц)

Attention, please! The ship is expected to arrive at the port of ... at ... (time, date)


9. Внимание! Отход судна из порта ... в ... (время, дата, месяц)

Attention, please! The ship is expected to leave the port of ... at ... (time, date)


10. Внимание! По судну объявляется режим экономного разхода прежной воды. Прачечные, душевые закрыт до особого распоряжения.

Attention. please! The economical consumption regime of fresh water is announced on board. Laundries and shower rooms are to be closed until further notice.


11.  Внимвние! По судну объявляется санитарный день. Произвести большую приборку по заведованиям.

Attention, please! Change of bed linen on board today announced. General cleaning up is to be carried out in all areas of responsibility.


12. Внимание! (Должность, имя) просьба прибыть (позвонить) к (в) ...........

Attention, please! Position or name or both (e.g. electrical engineer, the doctor, etc.) is requested to come (or to ring) to ... (e.g. the bridge, the chief mate's cabin, the master's saloon, etc.).